So, Turbo, Ryan, and I face the 24 drawing challenge...and won! mostly. Turbo cranked out 26(what!?) pages in like 11 hours, and they look damn good. Chances are the internet will never see those pages, which makes it so much more hip, but Lance McDance is something of a legend around here. No pencils and he didn't waste a single page.
Ryan by far worked the longest, putting in 20 hours, at least, before succumbing to the throes of finger calluses and exhaustion. I hope he decides to take "The Salamander" into a more fully realized story at some point. Gun Stuff!
As for myself, I penciled 24 pages in under right around 13 hours. Then I spent an inordinate amount of time lettering the damn thing before calling it done and passing out. As far as I consider it, the pencils came out pretty well, and it stood as a fully realized randomly seeded comic, but I really should have stayed up trying to ink as much as possible before time ran out. I did not. So, I decided that when I got back from vacation, I'd take my time, clean up the pencils a little, and lay down some thick inks with care and consideration. Still, the story and dialogue/narration are largely unchanged, and I barely touched the pencils.
In any event, I have completed a number of pages already, and have begun posting them at
an Apprentice's Tale.
I thoroughly enjoyed the drawing challenge and working on this comic for a number of reasons, and hope to complete a consistent product when all's said and done.
and if there are any interested parties out there, I would definitely take part in more than one drawing challenge per year.
ps- in case you hadn't heard, we also do a round robin comic called
Condensed Vibrations, which involves time travel.