When it rains, it pours. Thanks to Ryan, for being my first paid commission. This is a hallmark, internet, so thanks for being there. Stay tuned as I do my utmost to leave a stain all over Ryan's animation like you wouldn't believe.
I've had limited interaction with models, but I am beginning to understand the relationship that has persisted for centuries between artist and model. I have been lucky enough to settle, however briefly, in the same city where Frank Stack has retired, and hosts a figure drawing session once a week. I'm late to the game, but I plan on making the most of it from here on out.
I almost forgot, my Daredevil panel appeared on Mr. Vukojevich Repanled blog in May. I was pretty happy with how this turned out, like I captured the comical confusion of the image, and I love the idea of the window working as the panel's borders. Check it out here to see it side-by-side with the original. If you haven't seen his site, I highly recommend it.
Even though a carefree hand will make mistakes, confident brush strokes emerge as the grip loosens. Until this point, most of my figure/reference drawing practice has come from photographs, either that I've taken or have come across. No substitute for the real thing, but the accessibility of photography has been a boon for the development of my artistic eye.