Monday, August 6, 2012

Daily Takaya

If Ultraman hooked me, then it was the Guyver that reeled me in. Takaya's creation is not only wildly imaginative, but continuously accessible, having been adapted to animation 3 separate times, and twice to live action. However, the character remains virtually unknown, save for minor cult status world wide. Sadly, only the first 7 or so volumes (out of 20+) have been translated into English.

His art always floored me, the simplicity of his character design juxtaposed with the sometimes chaotic zoanoids, but ever shot of the Guyver units, whether action or still, is just drenched in cool. And, slightly intimidating. I started trying to draw Guyver I when I was 12 or so, and worked at it until I had something of which I wasn't ashamed. Feeling I'd hit my peak, I never tried to draw him again, until now.

The OAV "Out of Control" is not bad, and, despite descending into tentacle porn depths and reusing footage even though it's only an hour long, is awesomely gruesome. Both "Bio-Boosted Armor" series are pretty fantastic, and the version from the 80's takes some interesting directions with Takaya's original story. Ultimately, the manga is king, and the best introduction to the character.

The live action movies are entertaining, but plenty has been written about them, so I'll leave you with only this thought: Mark Hamill's Moustache.



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